Our Mission
"Helping Others Help Themselves"
by aiding with Immigration, Integration and Education
By offering citizenship workshops, classes to prepare for the citizenship test, attorney consultations and fee-waiver assistance, we strive to break any barriers which may prevent lawful permanent residents from completing the citizenship process.
We value the importance of education by providing accurate information and helpful parenting programs to families with children at the secondary education level. These bilingual classes include stress management, building positive self-esteem, discipline without punishment and more.
Once lawful permanent residents become U.S. Citizens, we help them integrate into the U.S. by empowering them to vote and be active in their communities. Bonding Against Adversity gives presentations and answers questions about recent immigration topics, how families can be aware of their rights, TPS and DACA. For additional resources, we connect participants with our sister organizations to address different topics.
Bonding Against Adversity, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, is Recognized by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Legal Access Programs.